Client for RAdmin(TM) 3 (RAClient3) (eng)
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Client for RAdmin™ 3 – wrapper(front-door) for RAdmin™ 3.xx(2.xx).
If you are the system administrator or member of support team - then Client for RAdmin™ 3 can interest you.
Idea of its development arose after using with similar program of Client for Remote Administrator™ v2.1(RClient 2.1) ( New operational systems of Windows (Vista, Server 2008 etc) they do not support RAdmin™ ver. 2.xx, for which is developed RClient 2.1, a works only with new version Radmin™ 3.xx.
What is the Radmin™ 3.xx?
Radmin™, is fast and secure remote PC access software that enables you to work on a remote computer as if you were sitting right in front of it and access it from multiple places. Radmin includes full support for Windows Vista (32-bit and 64-bit), file transfer, multi-user text and voice chats, Windows security, Kerberos authentication, 256-bit AES encryption for all data streams, telnet access, multiple monitors support and unique DirectScreenTransfer™ technology. Radmin utilizes the ever-present TCP/IP protocol - the most widespread protocol used in LANs, WANs and the Internet. This means you can access remote PC from anywhere in the world. Radmin is deployed on thousands of corporate PCs worldwide. Among our clients are companies where Radmin is the standard application for network management.
Therefore in order that to work from RAdmin™ versions 2.хх and 3.хх, it was taken decision to develop small program of client, top-priority aim with which makes work from Radmin™ more than convenient for account of automatic input passwords.
What is the Client for RAdmin™ 3?
Client for RAdmin™ 3 is wrapper (front-Door) for RAdmin™ 3.xx(2.xx), , allowing to keep all information about connections in ciphered kind. Has following functionalities:
- Work with previous version RAdmin™ (2.xx).
- Storage of names and passwords and automatic input of name and password (Radmin™ 3.xx), password (Radmin™ 2.xx) at connection.
- Does not require installation, be started from any external carrier.
- Task of password on program entry.
- Storage of all information in ciphered kind.
- Check of presence Radmin.exe before start of connection.
- Choice proxies from list at editing of connection.
- Scanning of network with addition of found nodes connections.
- Power on lan (Wake On Lan).
Client for RAdmin™ 3 (RAClient3)
- Add - add folder
- Rename - rename folder
- Delete - delete folder
- Scan - scanner of ports
- Set admin password - set(remove) password on program entry
- Set font - set font of main window
- About... - about RAClient3
The scanner of ports works in two modes:
- Pingable nodes - defines availability by means Ping(pic.2.1).
- Nodes with open ports - nodes with open ports in the specified range(pic.2.2).
Scanning of ports is carried out in one of two modes:
- Up to the first - the first found open port stops scanning flowing IP and process passes on following IP a range.
- All range - scanning of all range of ports.
- Full Control - shows you desktop of the remote computer and allows you to control it with your local mouse and keyboard
- View only - this mode is the same as full control mode, but only allows you to view the remote computer screen
- Telnet - text-mode connection to the remote computer to use system commands and launch text-mode applications without a graphical interface
- File transfer - file transfer connection that lets you manipulate remote computers files and folders. Supports two-way file transfer with an auto-resume feature
- Chat - lets you converse with all users who are connected to the same computer via text chat
- Voice - lets you talk using a microphone with all users who are connected to the same computer
- Message - sends a text message that pops up on the remote computer
- Shutdown - special connection to shut down the remote computer with two mouse clicks
- Add - add connection
- Edit- edit connection
- Copy - multiply connection
- Delete - delete connection
- Wake On Lan is solution to allow a computer to be woken up remotely
- Name - name of connection
- Port - here is where you enter a custom port for Radmin Server
- IP Address - remote computer's IP address or DNS name
- Colors - defines the color depth of images that Radmin Server will transfer to Radmin Viewer
- MAC address - МАС address of network interface
- Timeout - delay at instruction execution
- Screen - sets the default view mode for connections
- Default connection type - here you select the default connection mode
- Updates - defines the maximum number of updates per second that Radmin Server will send to Radmin Viewer
- Proxi connection - select a computer from the following list to connect through Radmin Server installed on the selected computer(pic.7)
- RAdmin™ 2.xx(RAdmin™ 3.xx) - version RAdmin™
- Username - username RAdmin™ 3.xx
- Password - password RAdmin™ 2.xx(RAdmin™ 3.xx)
- Note - note
- Enter login and password manual - mode of input of name of user and password manually
The RACLIENT3 is distributed as try before you buy. This means:
1. All copyrights to RACLIENT3 are exclusively owned by the author - Sergey Minchakov.
2. You can use a program demo as much as long. If you want is high-grade to use this program you should get a licence key which will be annually updated by e-mail gratuitously.
3. A user who purchased a RACLIENT3 license, is granted a non-exclusive right to use RACLIENT3 on many computers for any legal purpose.
4. The RACLIENT3 demo version may be freely distributed,with exceptions noted below, provided the distribution package is not modified in any way.
a. No person or company may distribute separate parts of the package with the exception of the RACLIENT3 components, without written permission of the copyright owner.
b. The RACLIENT3 demo version may not be distributed inside of any other software package without written permission of the copyright owner.
c. Hacks/cracks, keys or key generators may not be included on the same distribution.
6. You may not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program, or any subset of the licensed program, except as provided for in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution.
RACLIENT3 keyfiles may not be distributed outside of the area of legal control of the person or persons who purchased the original license, without written permission of the copyright holder.
All rights not expressly granted here are reserved by Sergey Minchakov.
7. Installing and using RACLIENT3 signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions of the license.
8. If you do not agree with the terms of this license you must remove RACLIENT3 files from your storage devices and cease to use the product.
2001-2025 © Сергей В. Минчаков